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The sudden appearance of a ringing in one or both ears is irritating and uncomfortable. However, repeat occurrences can create significant concern and anxiety, especially if you cannot identify a cause. How can you treat something that has no apparent explanation? The official name for a sudden ringing in your ears is tinnitus, which roughly 25% of adults experience. Yet despite its pervasiveness, you can access and apply treatments for ringing in the ears

Rockville, MD, residents troubled by long-term ear ringing can seek out ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery Specialists of Shady Grove for help. Our clinic’s licensed audiologists conduct diagnostic tinnitus assessments and can identify causes and effective treatment plans. If your ringing ear is disrupting your daily life, call (301) 315-5888 to schedule a consultation with our ENT specialists

Below, we explore some of the symptoms and causes of ringing ears: 

Tinnitus Definition and Symptoms

Professionals define tinnitus as a perception of hearing a sound without an external source. This perception can manifest as buzzing, ringing, or humming, and the volume can vary. Tinnitus is sometimes subjective (only heard by the individual) and other times objective (picked up by a doctor through a stethoscope).

Tinnitus symptoms can range in intensity. Some individuals hear a continuous noise, while others get it intermittently. The condition may affect one or both ears and appear in acute or chronic cases. Apart from the buzzing variety, tinnitus can indicate the presence of an underlying condition. Anyone suffering from this condition should consult an ear, nose, and throat specialist who can evaluate your symptoms and provide appropriate guidance.


Tinnitus can accompany almost any ear problem. Acoustic trauma, ear infections, and ear wax are some of the most common ear problems associated with tinnitus. Some substances and activities can trigger or worsen tinnitus, such as:

  • Antibiotics
  • Aspirin
  • Alcohol 
  • Caffeine
  • Smoking 

Age-related hearing loss, particularly in individuals 65 or older, can be a significant factor in developing tinnitus. Pinpointing the exact cause of tinnitus presents a challenge, but the ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery specialists have the experience and training to make a confident diagnosis. 

When to Contact a Doctor  

Brief, occasional ringing or buzzing may not be cause for concern. However, anyone experiencing a pulsating sound or a headache with their ear-ringing should consult a healthcare professional. Tinnitus accompanied by symptoms such as head trauma, nausea, or dizziness can indicate a significant underlying issue. If tinnitus affects your quality of life, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor.

Treatment Options

Ringing in Ear Rockville MD

Treating tinnitus varies depending on recommendations from an ENT specialist. If there’s an external cause, your healthcare provider may suggest adjusting your current medications, using ear plugs in loud environments, or removing excess ear wax. 

In some cases, tinnitus may resolve on its own. However, while you explore different solutions—or if no cause is found—a doctor can help you manage your symptoms. For example, hearing aids can be a viable option to control the noise of chronic tinnitus.

Receive Professional Ringing-in-Ear Treatment in Rockville, MD 

Persistent ringing in the ears can be unbearable if left untreated. Thankfully, ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery Specialists of Shady Grove has offered high-quality hearing loss services to Rockville, MD, residents for over 40 years. If you’re suffering from suspected tinnitus, schedule an appointment with us today by calling (301) 315-5888.

Suzel Hall

Suzel Siller Hall, M.D. is dedicated to providing exceptional care for her patients. She became part of the Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialists family after moving to Washington, D.C. from her home state of Texas in 2011. She received a bachelor of arts in English from the University of Texas at Austin. She then received her doctor of medicine degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. She completed an internship in General Surgery and residency in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Following residency, Dr. Hall joined the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery faculty at the University of Texas Health Science Center of San Antonio as an Assistant Professor.

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